Sunday, December 27, 2020

Magic Exists

Life is a magical adventure. All living things possess a magical quality of their own. When properly cultivated they can have mysterios good wonders as well as ardent bad attributes.

Let us take a look at how anything grows from a youth to a more mature being. This process is known as aging. Everything ages; our bodies, the trees in nature, the grass, the flowers, to name a few. Everything that ages dies at a point in time, however the magic of life doesn't stop there, it keeps on getting recycled and reused.

Look it, when trees lose their leaves, the leaves become fertilizer for next years trees, and the acorns are the seeds for the next years trees which produce the oxygen which we breathe, and we give off carbon dioxide for the flowers and trees as well as other plants to live. We are all part of this great symbiotic circle of life.


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